
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dandelion Jelly

Who even knew this was a thing? I found a list of floral jellies that looked lovely and adaptable for CSID and dandelion jelly was on the list. It tastes like honey and lemon and sunshine.


The original inspiration came from Masala Herb's blog. And you should check it out because she has lots of nice pictures of the process.

The most important thing to know about cooking with dandelions and other wild plants, is that you do not want to use plants from areas that are sprayed with weed killers. Since my (weedy) yard is 100% organic, I adapted the recipe for both CSID and the quantity of flowers I could pick from my yard.

1 1/2 cups dandelions

3 cups water

2 cups dextrose

1 lemon

2 T pectin


Prepare the flowers removing the stems and green parts. Boil flowers in water for 10 minutes. Strain through coffee filter. Add dextrose, zest and juice of one lemon, and pectin and return to a boil, boiling hard for at least one minute. Pour into prepared jars, top with lids, and boil in a water bath/water canner for 10 minutes.

That's it. Super simple and so yummy!

Happy Spring!




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